Sunday, May 27, 2012

Van Gogh Starry Nights

Thanks to the wonderful Pinterest I found this site on Van Gogh paintings and printed it out to add to my students portraits posted earlier.
 Here is my Van Gogh wall. I had them write about him (all the way on the left), self portraits in the middle and the Starry night on the right. 

You can find the Starry Night print out here.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Van Gogh Self Portraits

I love to teach my third graders about art. They are so intrigued by all the paintings around my room. I also do Van Gogh before open house so they can make self portraits. They come out so fun. I add a real picture of them on the painting in the corner.
I always read them a book on Van Gogh that we have in our library. This year I also had my students write what they have learned about Van Gogh to display next to the portraits.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Desert Habitats

During our habitats unit I had my students make their own deserts.
 You can see the science book next to them with the instructions.
 I bought little catcus' at the dollar store. I got lucky and happened to find them there.
 They collected rocks and I bought in the sand. 50 lb bag at Orchard for $5.
 Shoe boxes and plastic wrap for the liner. I chose blue to represent the water below the soil.

After they were done we displayed them for about a month then good behavior kids got to take them home. The kids had a blast.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Geometric Monsters

My students made this geometric monsters during our geometry unit in math. I gave them some shapes and they made some of them on their own. They had to be able to identify every shaped they used. I quizzed them on several of the shapes on their monsters. During writing they had to write a story about their monster including its name, habitat, what it eat, etc. They had a great time making these.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Digital Cameras in the class

I have a couple of cheap digital camera that I have my students use when time permits. I had my students take a picture of something in the classroom and write about why they picked that object. Simple writing project but the kids loved it.


Well I have been finding all these wonderful ideas on fellow teachers blogs and thought I would post some of the ideas and things I do in my class. I have no idea if anyone will see this blog or read anything on it but I will post as often as I can.