Saturday, September 28, 2013

Must Do May Do

This is a very simple thing that I learned while going through the BTSA program that I really liked.
 I write on the white board in front of class two lists. One for math and the other for Lang. Arts. I list the students work there so they can see page numbers and make sure they have turned in all in.
 I made a poster for their may do activities since my board in front is not very big.
 My school is very old and still has chalkboards everywhere. There was just ugly chalkboard under here before I added sheet rock on top of it then bought this white board at GW and attached it to the wall. It works.

Multiplication String Connect

A friend of mine made these a long time ago by hand writing them out. I decided to make them on the computer.
After I printed them on card stock. I laminated them and cut an inch on the right for the string to go into.
Very easy to put together and my students love them. I am working on loading them to Teachers Pay Teachers and have a Freebie of times 2 here...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

State Posters & File Folders

My third graders love to learn about states but they are not quite report ready. They will be doing that next year in 4th grade but I want to give them a taste of all our states so I came up with another way to have them do their reports. Last year we just did posters. This year I added in choices. They had three choices.
1. Make a state poster
2. Do a state report
3. Make a state file folder

I gave them the required information they needed and told them to find 5 more facts of their choice.
Take a guess which one no one picked!

There projects came out good. They were all sharing information with each other and having fun. There of course were the few that struggled to complete the project but they struggle to complete everything.

Here are some pictures of the file folders and one poster. I had a lot of neater posters but forget to take pictures of them.