I spent the last 9 years at a Title 1 low income school were we were told to follow the reading series. I HATE following the reading series. I feel like it is a waste of 5 years of college. Anyone could follow the step by step directions that come with a reading series. I am a teacher that teaches to standards not a reading series. I use my reading series, don't get me wrong, but I use it by the standards (now Common Core) it covers.
Anyhow that little rant leads to this post. I felt like poetry was not important to focus on before Common Core. The state test didn't have much poetry on it so why bother teaching it right. Now I am starting a new school district that is all about the standards and not a reading series! I was so excited to hear this statement. I am now trying to figure out how I am going to incorporate poetry and came across this list of poetry sites while taking an online Common Core class. I wanted to share with all the people that struggle with poetry resources like me.
Poetry for kids http://www.poetry4kids.com/
Fizzy Funny Fuzzy Poetry http://www.fizzyfunnyfuzzy.com/
Giggle Poetry http://www.gigglepoetry.com/
Mother Goose Caboose http://www.mothergoosecaboose.com/rp.html
Children's Poetry Archive http://www.poetryarchive.org/childrensarchive/home.do
Links to online poems http://www.storyit.com/Classics/JustPoems/classicpoems.htm
If you like Shel Silverstein here is a link to some activities to go with his books. http://www.shelsilverstein.com/learning/#lessons-and-activities
Also here are some poems by him http://faculty.weber.edu/chansen/humanweb/projects/MeghanUng/poems.htm
My personal favorite is Jack Prelutsky. The kids love him and he is very entertaining.
Hopefully this gives you a starting place. If you know any good poem links please post them in the comments and I will add them to this post. Thanks for reading :)
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